Fidelizer Upgrade Program - Windows 10 1703 iso ita download chrome weber

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  Qubes is a security-oriented, free and open-source operating system for personal computers that allows you to securely compartmentalize your digital life. Fidelizer Plus is improved version that comes with improved core optimizations over free version, more audio profile options and support Windows 10/Server. Designed for use inside OE chrome spoke wire wheels and the output of the factory master cylinder. • All-inclusive kits shipped complete with BP compound. ❿  

Windows 10 1703 iso ita download chrome weber.Men's Journal: A Giant Pool Float, a Convenient Charcoal Grill, and More Gear We Love This Week


Today I made it sure that this new version software runs correctly in my music PC. Fidelizer brings me a lot of enjoyment in listening to music with its high quality PC optimizations.

Initial results are very positive. The level of detail from recordings is noticeably improved but more importantly to me is the more relaxed presentation.

Still plenty of attack but less fatiguing than before. I listen to my music on Denon D h…. You do so much work in 7. You are on right high-way. Thank you much! Immediate and extraordinary improvement, even over the free version.

Keep it up, Thomas. All works well! My system with JRiver began to sound bladeturn and clean. All the best! I am running fidelizer plus in win server along with AO optimizer and the final result exceeded my expectations!

Fidelizer plus gave to my system a vivid and truthful character, more volume and weight in the lower end, highs witho…. Congratulation for Fidelizer Pro! There is an incredible improvement in sound quality. Really great! The sound is much much better with Fidelizer. Much more open and clearer. Your software clearly and definitely improves recording quality. A lot. Your software is superb even with som…. Sounding pretty wonderful.

Thanks for your answer. I have used the free version of Fidelizer for many years, on my media server and on the pc connected to my stereo system.

I was never convinced of the added value, so I never bought the s…. Thanks for the latest update and for Fidelizer in general, as it has made some amazing improvements in the sound quality I get from computer audio! Back as promised. Your proggy works flawlessly. Smooth as can be. The free version is a good product in its own right, but this is well above it.

I am a happy bunny. This was money well spent. And a great transaction experience to boot…. The sound quality is very good indeed in 6. Fidelizer has taken the clean and accurate but a bit clinical sound of my Windo…. Further to my earlier email below, in which I said that, having got everything working again, I would do listening comparisons between 6.

Hello, fidelizer sounds great on my computer. Definitely takes the digital glare off and adds dimension to the wav files. Job well done, would like to stay in the loop for future versions, thankyou, regards, stacy. After more listening today F6 is clearly a further improvement. F5 Extremist did not really work for my system, but with F6 the Extremist option provides a ….

Awesome, thanks! Sq is now close to perfect. Fidelizer plus optimized sq of ao Noticeably. Sound is now concert hall like or hard Rock stage — whatever you like. I am simply not able to accomplish my usual listening tests because whatever I am listening to, I kee…. The improvment is evident: more presence, more detail and for me very important increased softness of Highs. So my digital collection is even more appreciable. Thank you very much! Now my CyberLink Power 14 -player plays like never before.

I take everything BacK!!! Got my Latency down from to 64!!!! Thanks so much!!! Thank you so much for the new Fidelizer 8. The music flows so wonderful.

Keep up the good work. Got the Fidelizer Plus 7. Looking forward to hearing from you about future developments. I am very pleased with the results so far. Many thanks, everything works much better, now I can enjoy the music without worrying, everything is in place and the H. Sound analog. You are a genius, thank you very much again. Thank you Keetakawee. It sounds great! Been listening for a few hours now. Thanks for also putting up with me doing things backwards. It is amazing how a recording of low to medium quality can sound much better.

In fact the recording is likely of a better quality that was n…. I am currently running with Jplay6 beta5, simple PC and fidelizer pro 6.

To me, your optimization software is a must, I did not get better, my pc runs with an im…. It is working very well! Tidal Master HiFI. Discovered Fidelizer by Audirvana website. Sound quality has never been better! BR, Chaiyuth. I have been listening for the day and I must say Fidelizer does what it professes.

My network server is t…. The first results are very good altough I need to do some finetuning no easy access to the NAS at the moment. I will let you know. I already hear increased focus and better placement compared to the free version which was an …. First I want to thank you kindly for sending me the Fidelizer Pro 6. I have installed it and I can tell you that the sonic difference between the free version and the Pro version is huge as you promised me in your….

Love it. Sound is more vibrant now. Very clear difference. Allow me to thank you for the continued improvement of excellent sound. Especially the last two Fidelizer versions 7. Bravo, Windows X! It sounds as if my DAC had been upgraded to a much more expensive one. Now the setup is very much to my liking: sibilance high noise is mostly gone to the extent t…. My initial reaction is Wow!

I would compare the difference to same level as that the uptone regen made…but in different areas. But basically the staging and layering is imediately noticeable …. I set it up with the Network Render profile. Fidelizer 8. The new interface is brilliant and the configuration is very simple.

Though each of these settings has a very …. I have a very revealing system. The sound gained details, space, bass definition, the background was darker. Just had my first 2 hours with Fidelizer pro.

I enjoyed listening more; it was more worth it. I can creep deeper into the recordings; closer to the source. Red book comes closer to DXD. I never thought that my cheap laptop with an i3 processor and a portable DAC could produce audiophile qua…. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. I just wanted to let you know that I am very pleased with Fidelizer: a few weeks later, my hifi suppliers were at home to deliver my new Mark Levinson amp and they had goosebumps when we turned on t….

First impressions of the Fidelizer optimizations are great! So much that I became suspicious! I witnessed big changes when instal…. My Pianoteq is performing much better than before! For me Fidelizer is super! I tried the Fidelizer Pro this morning. First impression is that the sound is richer and more natural, it seems that the noise floor has decreased.

I am happy with what I heard. I have downloaded the application and installed successfully and find significant improved sound quality. I installed Fidelizer Pro last night and i could say that if brings a significant improvement on the sound of my system. It open up the sounds with bags of det…. I have no idea how effective competing software offerings are, but your Fidelizer Pro software program is seriously effective and whose improvements are patently real. I mean, enjoyably real improvements that are not subtle at all.

I figured out how to get the best sound possible on Windows if you use Fidelizer and sound pimp both it makes the sound sound amazing. I broadcast on vaughnlive. Easy installation, great sound Improvement. The Pro Version is even better sounding! I am really happy with. Thank you for the new version. I am really impressed with the difference in sound while using Fidelizer.

Fidelizer 7 is fantastic. I am there now, 7 was the last missing piece. As you can imagine a lot of computing power helps a lot, especially since the converter Denafrips Pontus also processes DSD. Makes itself sonically very leasantly noticeable. Problem: I could offload some of…. Great job! Dean from Canada! They are also very very happy with Fidelizer Pro worth every penny!!!!!!!!!!!!! All installed and working fine.. Quieter background more focused sound. Oh my gosh I just installed and restarted my system.

It is now so much faster and JRiver comes up much faster and cleaner. Thanks so much!! I have Fidelizer pro installed on both pcs and it sounds amazing…. Sound quality is a little subjective but I have a dedicated PC for storing my music and passing it to my audio system so I love your concept of minimizing Non audio processes and giving Windows a chance to provide the least affected bit per…. Hi, thank you for program.

Works very good. Much better then Fidelizer free version. The difference is not huge to my ears, with my system, in my roo….

A lower noise floor, noticeable increase in focus and soundstaging, and a warmer, less analyti…. I cried when I first heard it. This is so close to LP fidelity. Just amazing! Thumb up. There is improvement with subsonic low and high frequency with much purity sound. Thank you many times! Thank you very much, it works really well and it seems to consume less resources than the normal version. First, I must confess, I had a free version of Fidelizer for probably over 2 years before I now finally upgraded — Sorry!

The software installs and works flawlessly on my Windows server R2 machine. The sound quality is excellent as ever.

Hello there! Thanks for your work. This small software is really great! The most I like in pro version is autorun on Windows startup. Everything works fine: no lags or hardware conflicts or any other issues. I use netbook with 1,33GHz Intel Atom o…. Thanks Keetakawee, fidelizer works again, great as always-i missed it a lot these few days!

And it came by a USB! Thank you so Janos. Very great Fidelizer Plus.. Keetakawee, your Fidelizer on this system brings really a huge improvement, much more I could appreciate on the old tablet. Sounds really great. At the moment I fi…. Thanks for the file. Great Sound!!! Fidelizer makes a very obvious improvement and I am so pleased with it that I will shortly be purchasing another licence for the second computer in our household.

I have all the Beatles albums and have played them many times. But they never sounded as good, clean with great ease as they are sounding tonight! Very musical too. I could perceive that Fidelizer brought a very nice and welcome improvement of sound quality in addition to JPlay and Audiophile Optimizer. The playback is smoother, more detailed and more natural. Thanks so much for developing this amazing product! Very much appreciated? I really like and trust your software concept.

It makes a whole lot of sense. First …. What an improvement! The sound is more natural, detailed, bigger, firmer, airier. The list just goes on and on. It works thank you thank you. It really is a different world in terms of music. Thank you very much for this. Thanks for activating the software so quickly!

Yes, I do believe that when Fidelizer is engaged there is a greater sense of spaciousness, more dimension and air. Very similar to what I hear as jitter levels decrease. I have gone to great effort to minimize the transfer of noise down th….

Listening and enjoying so far. I think the sounding became better: more detalized and more clear. Thanks for your fast service. Fidelizer Pro is working faultlessly and definitely a worth it upgrade to Fidelizer. Thank you for sending me the download link for my copy of Fidelizer Pro. The result is pretty spectacular. Now the next further update the Fidelizer convinced me to: dedicated fully silent pc audio server. All the best to you. I downloaded in the meanwhile and did a bit of listening — so far: absolutely great!

Hi, Just loaded it and have it running now. It sounds great. Seems very smooth and resolved. Fidelizer has definitely made my system sound much more three-dimensional. This is the best sound on my system ever. Please accept my gratitude and delight! Your product is great! I again listen to my collection of audio recordings and it is a delight!

I wish You great success and new developments! Vitaly Kanischev. Thank you for Your helping! It was very fast. The sound is very good! Fidelizer software is simply awesome for me — I nearly gave up on PC as a source, but now I am getting really close to my CD player — the sound is certainly more spaced out and softer, much less of that digital glare, with a bit of tweaking though…. The upgrade from fidelizer 6 to 7 has been good to me. Giving me extra refinement and bit more punch compared to the old version.

Comming from Windows 10 with fidelizer 6 going to Lubuntu with low latency kernel and now back t…. Everything worked smoothly. I used Purist, and can definitely tell a difference good over Extremist Free. More of everything: silence, vibrant sounds and very nice sounds of instruments. Hi, extra thanks! Whaou the sound IS Amazing with fidelizer 8. Diretta asio to my allo usbridge SIG streamer running gentooplayer.

Great job!!! Congratulations on your work. My feeling is a clearer sound and a more precise scene construction. I upgraded to the latest version of Fidelizer Pro last night. I noticed a definite improvement over the previous version. I read that the latest version fixes an issue where some core optimizations were not able to be applied. There is a definite imp…. It is unbelieveable how moch better Server sounds. Especially orchestral music. Core isolation now works with my wasapi driver for DAC, and it sounds more fantastic then before.

I loved music since a was a child, and the digital sound always seeme…. Awesome awesome awesome!!! No more annoying drop outs during playback.

You achievements with Fidelizer is nothing than astonishing. Big bow and for your product and your dedicated customer…. Sounds good…very very good! Many thanks for this great software. I recently bought Fidelizer Pro after first trying the free version. And I am very pleased with it. First of all the product was delivered very quickly. The program runs without any trouble. After I sent Keetakawee a mail to ask for suggestions for t….

Many believe what happens to the stream before the microRendu is purified by going through the microRendu itself. Thus the theor…. Hi, it works fantastically! The background is so much blacker and the sound image more 3 dimensional. Many thanks for a great and easy to use pr…. I just about gave up on computer audio trying for 2yrs to get it right music from my system has just come to life compared to before.

As I enjoy album after album! Hello Keetakawee, tried out Fidelizer Pro the last hours in Purist mode. Realy fine music reproduction. The best I heard ever on my system. Read in the last 2 years many positiv Reviews and they described all changes in audiophile way very well.

I ca…. I did not expect the results to be THIS amazing. You should be proud. It feels like I spent thousands on upgrades! Everything sounds new! Thank you for doing t…. Tanks for your Fidelizer update 7. The imaging is more precise. Complex orchestra are more more clean less comfuse. The bass are better, the medium are better. The sound is more dynamic and i understand more lyrics.

The only l…. I must say I am impressed with the improvement over the Free version. A lot more details I can hear, and the bass seem tighter and better. I am sure I will discover more surprises as I use it more.

Thanks for the wonderful product. Hello, thanks for the update. Look forward installing the new version. I was really surprised about the results using the former one.

It sounds better in contradiction to some comparisons to be found in the internet. The esata storage can start every reboot. Now the sound i…. The download worked and is installed. The music sounds so much better.

And by a considerable margin over the other versions, by some margin I might add… The pro version is worth every penny…. I downloaded and installed Fidelizer Pro. The sound improvement is greater than that of standard Fidelizer, a broad and high soundstage when I have set the absolute pha…. A nice, very easily heard improvement. I would best describe it as a much more relaxed presentation, a layer of glare removed. The performance is very good in my system desktop ; the sound came from a silence background,….

Thanks for a great product! I use Fidelizer 7. This gives a very natural analog sound. I have installed the Fidelitzer Pro, everything functions easily. Effect with Fidelizer Pro Space picture broader and deeper Resolution is better All together very realistic reproduction. I was a little worried. Hallo, thank you for your greatest support.

Fidelizer works now very well and i get a much better Sound. Thank You! It works perfectly and sounds great. Installed it. Makes an audible difference. Enjoying the music much more. Thanks for the tips I think you are doing a great job, good luck. Very pleased with my upgrade to PRO. I try to convince as many people to try your free product all have really enjoyed the improvement, I shall keep promoting this on my FB Group High …. He is the missing link, to play music with the laptop.

Thank you for offering a product like Fidelizer. I began my venture into Hi Res computer audio a little over four years ago which I guess makes me a veteran of sorts LOL. I have along the tried many different types of computer builds and var…. Hi Keetakawee, Everything is working perfectly, including Audirvana. I have it set at audiophile. Sound is better across the board, especially on the base end.

A reference song I use has a stand up base. I always felt it was muddy in the lowest regis…. I am floored by the Pro version! Digging in to the settings now. How can I thank you? I have been using the Fidelizer for a while and i am very impressed. I have also played with the settings and bypassed th….

I was previously using asio4all a…. Well I installed your software and it really improves the sound! The magnitude of the improvement was surprising and welcome. Sounds terrific on Windows 10 with HQ Player.

The sound becomes more dynamic, you can better hear small details and all in all it is a more musically involving experience. The effect is less pronounced with Workstation optimization more with Extr…. Just cant bare to listen with out it now! It sounds even more analog with new x chipset and Ryzen 5 CPU. Tx Man, Difference is night and day. I installed 6. Oh my God!!! What an improvement!!! Indeed working well and I pleasantly surprised at how much noise has gone away from the music….

It makes a big improvement to the sound quality. I installed your software on my dedicated audio player. The system was already tuned by the Highend Audio Pc app from Audiophil together with Jplay 6 beta running on windows server Even on this fully tweaked system there was a…. Thanks, Keetakawee — I was able to successfully update to the Fidelizer Pro. The music is really sounding amazing, thanks very much.

The sound improvement is similar to upgrading a power supply to a streamer, DAC or similar with more detailed coherent sound with more bandwidth all for much le…. New Fidelizer significant improvement over previous iteration. Wish I were still doing reviewing. Still Fidelizer is a …. So far , I can say that it introduces more timbral finesse , a sound stage more organized and deeper, in relation to the , already good, fidelizer free.

Great sound….!! I run my tested and I can approve that it all sounds great and the upgrade from the free version is much noted. Already had an awesome listening experience this night, with only Fidelizer Pro installed on my audio pc not yet the control pc.

It makes a VERY noticeable improvement in both studio mo…. I installed the program and it works ok, noticeably superior sound stage in particular on low frequencies, congratulations!! Thank you so much. Your software is very wonderful. Thanks so much again. This is incredible. The differences are striking!!! Keep up the good work and thank you????

Thank you very much, the music took on detail and cleanliness. Played by Win 8. I regard good job. I installed Fidelizer both 2 licenses to my 5hz jplay dual x minority clean x Roon system.

Now it works very well and now I can feel more natural, detail and fidelity from my favorite albums and stream music. Especially localization of sound has been…. I am very impressed with yours software. First off, while playing music sounds fantastic. Resolution is increased, imaging is much better, soundstage bigger and deeper.

Things sound more natural in general. Thank you for providing a product that helps me eliminate this extra …. Thank for Fidelizer Pro. I have installed it and I am enjoying Roon with more clarity and detail.

Hello Keetakawee, Improvements after installation of Your program are significant and more audible compare to AO 2. I gotta tell you X. This program is by far the most significant upgrade in my headphone journey. I spend a lot on new cables and other hardware the past month and what a step forward it was to ge…. It works excellent and a very good sound. It definitely works! I can tell the difference after using it. Well done! Thanks and keep up the good work! I am with Fidelizer 6.

I love it. It make music more Listenable to have a deep connection Between me and the artist. Thanks for your help. Very pleased with the upgrade in sound quality.

Thanks for answer me quickly, yes bouth disc run in the same machine. Improvement on the audio pc is great, i have done a great jump forward.

When my new control pc will be ended, will sent you a new order. Good job! I have to report back since jplay is configured well as dual setup, hibernate on my win 10 audio pc, the sound quality has improved dramatically with Fidelizer Pro. The setup only with AO3 and jplay sounded good, but the server audio pc …. Hi, finally is worth the effort, Fidelizer is rewarding, easy to use and also easy to notice the upgrade, when purist is awesome!.

Also I am done with Foobar, I have nothing against their app as a remote! Only is need now, to install Asio drivers for…. Thanks for the full copy of Fidelizer Pro 6. This Fidelizer Pro, just as you said, it improves imaging and clarity of the sound also reduce glare in digital audio. I combined JPlay…. I do appreciate your efforts to improve Fidelizer and send out the upgrades. I am really enjoying the music with each improvement.

Hi, It works very well. It is nice to still be able to purchase things without getting ripped off and I do …. We are flying higher than Baumgartner. In rare thin air of digital computer playback. Using Lampizator Komputer machine with Audiophile optimizer, fidelizer, core mode and the Bughead Emperor soft.

This is as far as I dare to push digital playba…. I did some listening yesterday after installing FPro. Many thanks. This is my second purchase from you. I know it works extremely well :. I have one installed on my audiopc at home. This one is for my laptop when away from home. It seems to make good work! More air and sweetness. The sound level seems to be lower than before, but i think this is in my mind, because of the softer sound.

Everything much better sounding than free version of Fidelizer. Bravo Keetakawee! Excellent upgrade on your freebie!

More detail, dynamics, everything — far exceeded my expectations of what is possible from …. I finally got around to installing Fidelizer Pro 7. After the first song, I knew that this was a nice enhancement to my sound system. I have a C. There seems to be a difference. There is more air or room information , and the instruments are focused better, having more contour, or mo….

Great, thank you. I Love your Product Fidelizer Pro. I hear the difference in the first seconds! I Love it!!! Fidelizer Pro works great for me. In the first place, I do not want to fiddle with computer settings and this product is easy to use. Tested it in my office free version and in my main system and the improvement in SQ was obvious in ….

Thanks for the 6. I tried this tonight and I am very impressed with the additional texture and detail this now brings to instruments. After a few days of listening to my new configuration, I am happy to inform you that Fidelizer Pro is doing a very good job at optimizing stuff.

The sound quality improvement is more than subtle. Installation went flawlessly. This is simply amazing. I never expected such improvements at this level. The performance is much more quiet and relaxed now. No more harshness to my ears, even with more clarity. It improved my system more than changing cables. Thanks for all your hard work. So far all is working and sounding great, using the minimal setting. Thanks for the update 6.

Installed and running. UAC disabled. Very good sound, low-level detailing is clear and soundstage is wide and deep. Thanks for the help. Great product! Thanks for the reassurance. I spent a good few hours over the weekend listening to a variety of music I know well and can confirm that the improvement is significant.

I experienced a better soundstage and greater separation of instrume…. Hi, I have an old, entry entry audio setup, but with Fidelizer improvement is tangible. I purchased Fidelizer two the other day. I like it with high-quality sound very much. I had to email you to say a big thanks after spending a few hours listening with only Fidelizer pro on the Audio PC it is without doubt he best my music setup has sounded.

Everything is working thank you. Is it my imagination or does the digital now sounds more analog like! Hi, I am very pleased with the 8. The sound quality increase is absolutely fantastic from the previous version I was on 7. The soundstage and imaging has greatly improved as well! I am listening now to my music with Fidelizer 7 and I am in love with it! Darker background and more natural vocals. I also noticed more air in the music and more focused sound stage. Thanks for the update, the program works fantastically with my hi fi headphone setup.

Music fil…. Finally got the Pro version… Amazing improvements all round, but in my system specifically, bass slam, note distinction and the initial note attack all improved quite remarkably sorry, I am a musician and I relate everything to notes.

I also have b…. Thank you — I have installed it and its running well, sounds good. It sounds really good, more openess, transperency, more bassbody, stage, fluid etc.. I am very happy..?? Thank you for your very quick response. I have installed Fidelizer Pro easily and use it together with Jplay and Tidal followed by two vst-hosts with an ambiophonic vst-plugin and an acourate-convolver-plugin respectively.

This is going from a single …. As always I find the flaw: NOT natural sound. A purely aseptic environment. This seems to be working better, and it sounds better than ever. Only got to listen to it for an hour. Another step closer to analog with the b….

Sounds really good streaming over Tidal HiFi. I was skeptical, but it is definitely an improvement; smoother, more transparent and analog sounding. Thanks for the prompt responses. I could hear the improvements in a subtle but significant way… blacker background, wider soundstage, more detail u…. Even my cat feels the change. Again I have to express my gratitude, deep appreciation and respect for your great work. Thanks sooooooo much!! Fidelizer works really, really well here.

I am surprised at how much hash disappeared. A much more relaxed natural sound, but the best is the sound stage. Thank you very much for sending the software link so promptly and also thank you for producing such an effective piece of software. It works and it works extremely well indeed. I heard an impr…. Hi, Sound is much better.

Great work! Regards Jarek. I have just installed the Fidelizer Pro and it works just as expected. I am really impressed, how much difference the Fidelizer makes to digital audio.

Thanks for Fidelizer Pro. I am deeply impressed. Now I found the sound I was looking for a long time. Instruments are sharply delineated, the stage is tidier and clearer. The bass is deeper in my stomach and Fildelizer is in my heart.

Great job. After installing Fidelizer Pro on my system, I was pleasantly surprised. Aret Tera. David Kennedy. Mathew Evans. Outback Dingo. Problems with suspend locking, HVMs crashing.

Applied EFI fix, read more. Boris Yost. Some audio, suspend issues. Improvement with 4. Christopher Cameron. Network VM workaround, read more. Christopher Miller. Nikita Mikhailov. Dave Albiston. Amilton Justino. Had to do the 'boot device not recognized' procedures to get it to boot, had to update to kernel 4. Guilherme Lima. Workarounds for install, read more. Suspend requires Xen command line workaround.

Used installer workarounds, read more. Works "flawless" after BIOS tweaks, read more. Denis Zanin. Time ToGo. IX4 SVS. Joe Thielen. Jonathan Sherrill. Dell Latitude Erik Edin. Claudio Chinicz. Tony Adams. Guil Dev. Daniel Moerner.

Eduardo Barbosa. Pablo Costa. Runs only with kernel 3. Tom Chiverton. Codie Rae. Bill Carter. Rafael Reis. Display quirks. Setup needs UEFI workaround, read more. Michael Krzyzanski. Qubes Lovitt. Michael McShane. A Luciani. Peter Margetin. Santiago R. Robert Dunham. Dominique St-Pierre Boucher. Dell Latitude E Steven Collins. Kyaphas Hill. Bjarne Thomsen. Andrew Chin. Tomas Vondra. Yassine Ilmi.

Sepimus Argus. Had to remove noexitboot and mapbs and turn off "Enable switchable graphics" in BIOS setup; no network; display problems. Matt McCutchen. Dell Precision Adrian Rocha. Ken R. Benoit Rebillion. IX4 Svs. Ian Calderbank. AEM workaround; Compile wifi driver, read more. Richard Horan. Jason ZenRiot. Sergey Bezugliy. Eric Duncan.

Jonny Dennis. Brian J Smith-Sweeney. Needs suspend troubleshooting. Darren Fix. Required minor tweaking, read more. Satnam Ram. Subjunctive Post. Adam Grodowski. Stefan Schlott. Jan Fabo. Ben Moody. Marc de Bruin. Carter Hollingsworth. Rama Mcintosh. Sound, microphone need troubleshooting. Robert Horvath.

Aaron Brown. Mike Grobstein. Quentin Bourgeois. Robert Rettig. Network devices not working, uefi boot and keyboard issues, read more.

Xerxes Hack. Florian Brandes. Bruce Horrocks. Boot workaround, sleep and other issues; read more. Erik Nylund. Dennis Olivetti. Vincent Elliott. Andrew B. Rafal Niznik. Les Anthis. Sebastian Schatter.

Dimiter Georgiev. Cannot use 4. Vincent Adultman. Issues with suspend and smartcard reader, read more. Stephan Marwedel. Mihai Genescu. If S3 sleep is engaged with Anti Evil Maid, laptop will do a hard shutdown. When booting without AEM, S3 sleep works fine.

Lorenzo Lamas. Shane Layton. Ray Rizzuto Jr. Kemal Soyguder. Booting from USB flash drive requires workarounds, read more. David Hobach. Alexis Torres. Brendon Green. Jos Bredek. Paolo Righi. Theo Jaklitsch. No legacy boot, UEFI only. Laptop display doesn't work with this kernel version, only HDMI. Robin Christopher Ladiges. Laptop display works with kernel-latest though i instead of iris.

Plymouth shows some graphical artifacts. Raja Saham. Nuno Silva. Michael Fillippini. No iommu or remap support. Install required another PC. Read more in attachment remarks. Antonio Misaka. Drew White. Also does not work with R3. Thaddeus Delude.

Effie ML. Install iwlfirmware in templateVM used by sys-net. Since Kernel 4. Nouveau driver in use. Tom Marciniak. LG Gram 13ZR. Boot image will not present a menu and just launches with default options, complains of XSA and reboots. Chris Allegretta. Vladimir Shipovalov. Use grub2-install to fix it read more Everything else is OK. Corebook 4. Emil Novik. Connor Westman. Johnathon Schade. Timon Orawski. Andre Lewis. Thia Tosini. Christoph Wendler.

Stefan Pietzonke. Rowan Crane. William Derenne. No wifi or touchpad. Other hardware untested. Read more. Tim W. Upgraded to 4. Sys-usb not working yet, iommu issues, read more. David Easton. Shakthi Kannan. Vincent Wiemann. Qubes User. Danny Cautaert. Wojciech Gustowski. Suspend not working; See notes for how to install. Performance issues, read more. Josef Johansson. Unable to use external display. Vincent Bernaud. Benjamin Girdner. Jolly Rodger.

Michael Holt. UEFI workaround for install, read more. Yannic Schneider. Sven Semmler. Don't buy now, read more. Aly Abdellatif. Boot workarounds, read more. Hugo Costa. Mustafa Kuscu. Rifa Achrinza. IOMMU lacks security feature, read more. Vincent Penquerc'h. Lenovo ThinkPad T Christopher Morrow.

Russell Stadler. Installer issue, read more. AnDee Lim. Lenovo ThinkPad T i Ethan Lewis. AEM needs tboot 1. Andrew Clausen. Miguel Paolino. Steven Sheffey. AEM does not work. Andrew David Wong. AEM works.

David Harding. UEFI boot fails, stuck after booting kernel blank screen with 4 penguins. Legacy boot works fine.

Alex Guzman. Maximilian Ronniger. Stig Sandbeck Mathisen. Needed NVMe workaround read more. More stable with 4. Others call me jean. Maximilian Ehlers. Workaround required for UEFI mode install. Joe Hemmerlein. Disable secure boot and use rEFInd to install. Shutdown, sleep and screen issues, read more.

CPU frequency scaling issue high power usage. Used workarounds for various issues. Suspend, USB and brightness issues, read more. Kevin O'Gorman. Jens Porup. Jan Hustak. Workaround for external monitor reset issue, read more. York Keyser. Andrew M. Nicklaus McClendon. Stefan Boresch. Remove Broadcom chip for install. Keyboard and touchpad issues with kernel 4.

Lab Man. Achim Patzner. Thomas Fleming. Ulrich Pfeifer. Martin Holst Swende. Patrick Schless. Sam Hentschel. Jean-Philippe Ouellet. Berne Campbell. Legacy mode for install, upgraded kernel, sleep and touchpad need config, read more. Problems with touch screen and suspend, read more.

Suspend not working. Needs boot options for trackpad, read more. Fabio Germann. Suspend and thunderbolt workarounds, read more.



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